Saturday, July 3, 2010

Finally on our way

well, WERE HERE! I'm so so so so so so so so so so so (x10) excited!
Here's another video from on the plane.


  1. Congratulations on arriving in Japan and doing whatever you are needing to do there! Our girls are off at camp and I am home alone at a very hot Lake Celeste. Whew! I'll be sending Aaron and Bena off in another few days to join you. Be well. Love, Noel

  2. Hi Aleeza and Jana - It was great seeing you both yesterday on screen through the wonders of Skype. Your room(s) at the inn in Kyoto look compact and you both seemed to have settled in comfortably. Hopefully your jet lag is leaving you and you can enjoy Kyoto. We missed you both as we watched the July 4th fireworks in Amherst last night. They actually had some updated displays, looking like rings and saucers of colored fireworks. Stay healthy. Love from Savta and me. Kiss, kiss, hug, hug.
